Compliance with medical regimens is often a problem for adolescents as they strive for independence và control over their bodies & lives.

Bạn đang xem: Thanh thiếu niên dịch ra tiếng anh là gì

They found that adolescents with involved, suppor tive peers experienced less depression regardless of the orientation of their peer network.
vì chưng urban adolescents "bounce back" from the negative impact of the transition into junior high school?
The simhotrothanhnien.comrities and differences between children, adolescents, and adults, và the methodological difficulties và controversies inherent in this field of study, will be emphasized.
There was a marginally significant difference in the percentage of enabling behavior displayed by the two groups of adolescents, t 70!
khổng lồ summarize, adolescents who were born preterm exhibit indications of early brain injury, such as ventricular dhotrothanhnien.comtion, on brain scans.
The salience of this issue has been further documented by our subsequent findings demonstrating that adolescents can readily distinguish true & false self-behaviors.
In turn, this aggressogenic processing style contributes to the development & stability of aggressive adolescents" future conduct problems.
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